HIBC Bowls Committee
Bowls Committee News
The minutes of the most recent Bowls Committee meets are posted on the Bowls Committee noticeboard in the Bowls hall for all members to view.
Rule Changes
At the 2023 and 2024 AGMs the following rules/ rule changes were proposed and agreed on a show of hands:
- A team that fails to fulfill all its league fixtures will not automatically retain their place in that league for the following season.
- Teams may rearrange the date of a league match if it is brought forward and played before the date of the original scheduled game. This new date must be agreed and the rink allocation moved on Bowlr at the time of cancelling.
- When any scheduled league match has been cancelled under exceptional circumstances and at late notice, it will automatically be rearranged for the Tuesday afternoon/evening of the following week for daytime/evening leagues respectively. Tuesday morning league matches will be moved to the next Friday afternoon.
- Any player registered for a team in a league, cannot sub in that league for another team.
- Subs can only skip if the player that they are subbing for is the usual skip for the team.
- Daytime matches are played over 2 hours but evening matches will be played over 17 ends for pairs and 15 ends for triples. Evening games must be started at or before 7pm.
- The club colours will now be club shirts and BLACK below the waist (previously white). During league games, members may now wear black or grey below the waist.
Bowls Committee Administration
Objectives of Bowls Committee
The Bowls Committee meet 8-10 times a years:
– To oversee all bowling matters relating to club facilities, leagues, competitions, friendlies, recruitment/ training, special events, etc.
– To deal with any bowls related complaints/disputes between members.
– To consider and gain approval from members for rule changes with regards to bowls and membership
AGM of the Bowls Committee
An Annual General Meeting of the Bowls Committee is held at the end of each Winter season with the following objectives:
- Review of bowling season.
- Review of bowling rule changes.
- Appointment of Team Captains for the next season.
- Appointment of the Bowls Committee for the next year.
- Team entries for National Competitions
- Any other related issues.
Current Bowls Committee members are:
Paul Footitt (Chair), Lis Watson (Secretary), Graham Watson (League Representative), Alan Hardaker (Short Mat Secretary), Peter Tomkys & Betty Lawrenson (Member Reps).
There are currently vacancies for the Competition Secretary and Teams Rep.
Members can be contacted in person or by leaving a note in reception marked for the attention of the Bowls Committee. All matters and complaints raised with the committee will be treated in the strictest confidence, however complaints must be made in writing in order to be considered.